SeedBoxCenter – Providers List Update

Hello everyone,

SeedBoxCenter - SBC News!

I am sorry for the late update, we didn’t forget about you or gave up this project!

Like I told you last week we are working (almost finished now) on some changes. One of those changes include an up-to-date list of all the providers you can find out there. We will be adding one provider at a time (well, to be honest, every time we’ll post an intro offer from a provider, we will be adding all their available plans on our list) and after that we will be updating it frequently so you will have a full idea of what it is available and what it is not.

If everything works out as planned you will be able to view this list by the end of the week.

We would also like to thank you all for your support and visits.
Keep them coming heh :)

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis

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