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Why should you get a Seedbox?

Why should you get a seedbox?

Why should you get a Seedbox?, seed box, seedbox, seedboxes, torrent anonymously, anonymous torrent


Hello there!

On the previous chapter we covered the question “What is a seedbox” (feel free to check it out now if you haven’t done that before) and like I said now it is time to see “Why you should consider getting a seedbox”. I will provide you with a few simple but great facts/truths!


Ok! I get what a seedbox is and does now, but why should I get one?

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What is a Seedbox?

What is a Seedbox?

What is a Seedbox?, seed box, seedbox, seedboxes

I’ve decided to begin this blog’s career with the first question newcomers will have on their minds: what is a seedbox?

But before I go there, let me tell you a few words on how things are today on the NET.

Big corporations push for a more censored NET on a daily basis, limited access and various penalties for not following their “rules”. A few examples are the “Six Strikes” that went live in the USA a few months now, various three strike rules that you can find in France, New Zealand, etc, of course Russia which is pushing for more strict rules and last but not least UK, which is censoring sites massively all around the NET. So it is logical for you to want to protect your privacy and skip the risk of being penalized for something silly.


So, what is a seedbox after all?

(Continue reading..)

SeedBoxCenter – Launched!

Hello there,

Welcome to SeedBoxCenter!

I would like to welcome you all to our new website SeedBoxCenter which will be dedicated to seedbox tutorials, offers and news from around the NET.

More information about us can be found here and you can contact us for an offer submission, questions/concerns or advertising campaign here.

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis