SeedBox List Update 23/05

Hello everyone,

SeedBoxCenter - SeedBox List News!

Another small update. We’ve added five more companies on SeedBox List page:
Seed.ST (no intro yet, their cheap plans got a lot of slow speed reports) (no intro yet)
SeedRootS (no intro yet, I highly recommend this company!)
Seedbox Cloud (no intro yet, 2 stars for reputation because it is a new company)
ChmuraNet (no intro yet, I also recommend this company)

We’ve got 8 companies in total now.

More companies and plans will be coming soon!

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis

First SeedBox Companies added on the List!

Hello everyone,

SeedBoxCenter - SeedBox List News!

Just a small update here. We’ve already added the following companies (and their plans of course) on SeedBox List page:
UltraSeedBox (intro can be found here) (intro can be found here) (aka WiCKED SERVERS, no intro yet – need to add a few more plans here)

You can feel comfortable and trust all three companies above since I have personally used them and suggest them.

More companies and plans will be coming soon!

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis

Choosing the Best Seedbox

What to look for when choosing a seedbox!

Choosing a Seedbox, seedbox, seed box, seedboxes, best seedbox


Welcome back! Oh you never left? Great to hear that!

So this chapter will help you choose the plan that suits your needs and of course your wallet.

By the way, if you haven’t read our previous articles about “What is a seedbox?” and “Why should you get a seedbox?” you can do that now (please feel free to do that now) I will be waiting for you here to come back!

So let’s see how you can choose the best seedbox plan for you.

(Continue reading..)

Why should you get a Seedbox?

Why should you get a seedbox?

Why should you get a Seedbox?, seed box, seedbox, seedboxes, torrent anonymously, anonymous torrent


Hello there!

On the previous chapter we covered the question “What is a seedbox” (feel free to check it out now if you haven’t done that before) and like I said now it is time to see “Why you should consider getting a seedbox”. I will provide you with a few simple but great facts/truths!


Ok! I get what a seedbox is and does now, but why should I get one?

(Continue reading..)